
Social NetworksWe, the webmasters and bloggers, want to be present in the internet and especially in the Social Media. We want our work that takes many hours from our valuable lifetime to be appreciated by the community out there. But there is one little problem: In an infinite number of possible channels where should I focus on to receive the maximum response for a moderate size of effort?



First: Concentrate on the most important platforms

Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Social Bookmarks, blog directories…this list could be continued without an end. All these services are possible destinations where you can place links to your valuable content. But this takes much time, especially if you want to do this frequently. The problem is: To be recognized you have to publish on a regular base. So my first advice is: Concentrate on the most important services and forget the rest. Use Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus as Social Media, and that’s enough.


Second: Use Services that receive your content automatically

There are many services on the internet that pull your content without any necessary effort by you. Take RSS directories for example. Once you have made your entry all the news of your blog or webpage will be published. You have nothing more to do. Use the automatic publishing services of Social Networks, too. The German Xing for example offers a function to publish news from your website based on an RSS feed.


Third: Build a community

The bigger the community you publish to the more numerous the responses you receive. That sounds like a no-brainer, but it is not as simple as it sounds. To reach a decent number of high-quality followers in Twitter for example you need to publish good content for a long time. I can see this with my own project. It has taken more than a year to reach a number of just about 100 followers. So keep in mind the first tip: Concentrate on a few important platforms.



Qualitative aspects outweigh quantitative ones. It is better to publish good content for only a few communities and make them grow. This can be supported by automatic services like RSS directories. So that’s all for the moment. I would appreciate any tip or experience you have for me in order to enlarge your audience. Each additional interested visitor on a blog is worth the effort writing.


Christian Kunz

Von Christian Kunz

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Verwandte Beiträge

Google testet einen neuen Menüpunkt für Kurzvideos. Damit könnte das beliebte Format mehr Gewicht in der Suche erhalten.

Google unterstützt zukünftig auch strukturierte Daten für Diskussionsforen und Profilseiten. Damit zeigt Google erneut, dass persönliche Inhalte und Erfahrungen ein stärkeres Gewicht erhalten.

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