

Google-RezeptionI was invited to Google Zurich to take part in a new episode of the Webmaster Office Hangout. I was excited about the nice people I met there and the showed hospitality.

Remark: As the Webmaster Hangout was presented in English and also most of the people that took part were English-speaking, this post is written in English as well in order to give everyone the opportunity to read it without any translation tools. I hope that's ok for the other readers as well. 

From time to time John Muller asks people if they are and around and if they'd like to come to Google and take part in one of the Webmaster Office Hangouts. In these events people can ask questions relating to search and SEO. Most people send their questions via comments on Google+ or take part online. And a few people have the chance to be there. 

Most times John's Webmaster Hangouts are produced in Google's Zurich offices. As I was nearby last Friday incidentially, I asked via Twitter if I might drop in and was invited by John afterwards. 

Google's offices in Zurich are located near Zurich main station. It is better to go there by train because finding a place to park your car is very hard in this area.

Visitors first have to use a terminal to fill in their name and to print out a visitors pass. After a few minutes John arrived at the reception and we had the chance to get one of Google's delicious coffees.


Google guest badge


In total there were four guests for this Webmaster Hangout. As it happened, Aurora Morales, Search Outreach Specialist at Google and one of the most popular contributers to the Google Product forum, was also there from California:


John Muller and Aurora Morales


During the Webmaster Hangout we had the chance to place all our questions. You can find the complete video here:


Google Hangouts On Air 

Even after the official part of the Hangout was over, John and Aurora had time to discuss further questions with us. Afterwards we took some photos together, one of which you can see here:


Webmaster Hangout Zurich: group photo 


It was a great opportunity to get to know John, Aurora and the other participants. I can only advise everybody who is around to take the chance and visit one of the next Webmaster Hangouts - I am sure that John is going to invite more people soon.


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